to combine two or more things to produce a new product (Wiktionary)
Type with the home row (e.g. asdfjkl; for Qwerty)
This synthesizer combines up to 16 notes in the harmonic series to create sounds that respond to your input.
How to use the synthesizer:
- The keys of the home row play the notes of the A major scale.
- The spacebar will play the note one half-step above the previously sounded note. This is useful to perform a quick grace note into a higher note.
- Holding the shift key before pressing a key will play the note an octave up.
How to customize the sound:
- You can add or remove overtones from the harmonic series. At least the fundamental tone must be kept.
- You can adjust the amplitudes of the overtones by a scaling factor.
- You can increase the depth of the vibrato. Setting this to zero removes the vibrato.
- You can increase the time it takes to start the vibrato.
Fun facts:
- The frequency of the vibrato fluctuates slightly, to give a slightly more realistic feel and remove some rigidity.
- If no note is currently playing, pressing a key will give a harsher attack. If a note is currently playing, pressing a key will give a softer attack. This is to emulate the tonguing/slurring nature of playing a wind instrument.
- Important tip: for slurred/legato note phrases, try not to release the first key until the second one is definitely held down. If a key is pressed within a (very short) window of time after a previous key is released, a sound will not be made. (This is due to the short amount of time it takes to process a note stop.)
- Another tip: adjusting one of the sliders may cause the space bar to scroll the page when clicked. If this happens, you can simply click part of the page outside of the slider, and it should lock in place again.